Achillea yarrow - silhouette, care, position

More about the plant below:

Bloodstone (Achillea)

category : perennials

position : sun

height : 10 cm - 1.5 m

frost resistance : to -25 ° C

reaction soil : neutral, slightly alkaline

preferences soil : sandy, sandy loam, well-drained

watering : little

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : white, yellow, pink, red

shape : upright

period flowering : June-October

seeding : spring, autumn

reproduction:division of rhizomes, sowing

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : balconies, cut flowers, terraces, flower beds, rockeries, medicinal plant

pace of growth : fast

Yarrow - silhouetteYarrow growth formYarrow - positionYarrow care

Yarrow - silhouette

Yarrow is represented by several durable species that are widely used in various types of garden arrangements.Yarrow Achillea millefolium looks very attractive especially in natural gardens, while Yarrow and.Filipendulina and hybrid varieties are excellent companion plants for perennials from the grand group. Most species are suitable for cut flowers.

Yarrow growth form

Lyme yarrow reaches a height of 80 to 100 cm, thus overgrowing its relatives by at least 20 cm. All species have strong, erect shoots and pinnate leaves, which is even reflected in the botanical name of the yarrow: millefolium in Latin for millennial.

Above the dark green, gray-green foliage in some varieties, there are dense, plate-shaped inflorescences.Flowering begins in June and in many varieties continues until the last days of September.

Yarrow flowers are creamy white, in meadowsweet yarrow they shimmer with shades of gold. In hybrid forms, the color of flowers ranges from dull pink to strong shades of red.

Yarrow - position

Yarrow prefer sites in full sun and well-drained, fertile ground.

Yarrow care

The barren soil should be supplemented with compost before planting. In order for perennials to bloom beautifully and form dense inflorescences, weakly growing shoots should be removed.Also, if we remove the faded flower panicles in time, we can expect the flowers to reappear in the coming weeks.

Yarrow forms stolons and should be divided after 3-4 years. We do it either in the spring or in the fall.

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