Kalanchoe Blossfeld Kalanchoe blossfeldiana belongs to the Crassulaceae family. It grows wild (like over twenty other species of this genus) in Madagascar, from where it found its way to the botanical garden in Paris in 1928, and shortly thereafter to gardeners and breeders. Kalanchoe has thick, mostly ovate, fleshy leaves and small but numerous flowers that attract the eye with bright colors. The most common are red and yellow varieties, but there are also pink, orange, white and even purple varieties. The varieties differ not only in the color of the flowers, but also in their fullness. Kalanchoe flowers are very durable, and flowering plants look very impressive even for a few weeks.No wonder that kalanchoe is very popular all over the world. The natural term for its flowering is winter. It belongs to short-day plants that bloom when the day lasts less than ten hours. Flowering kalanchoe is sold in flower shops all year round, and this is possible thanks to the so-called controlled cultivation, in which the plants are artificially extended overnight, forcing them to flower.
Is Blossfeld's Kalanchoe a demanding plant to grow?
Well, no, anyone can handle it. Kalanchoe feels good in most bright and sunny apartments (even in winter, when radiators heat up). The plant does not mind dry air, and it does not need sprinkling. Although it is a succulent (as evidenced by its coarse leaves), it hates longer periods of drought. It is watered when the top layer of soil in the pot dries up, i.e. every 10-14 days in winter and every 5-7 days in summer.With excessive watering, the Kalanchoe becomes ill, its roots rot, the base of the stems blacken, and a gray powdery bloom appears on the leaves. It is worth remembering about removing bleeding inflorescences, as this procedure will help the plant to create new ones. Dusty leaves are wiped with a damp sponge. They must not be polished. During the period of growth and flowering, we feed the plant with a solution of fertilizer for succulents.
What to do when our kalanchoe will bloom?
If we have no patience, just throw them away, but if we have time, maybe we should try to grow them further. Where to start? The plant should be dormant. After flowering, you need to shortly trim the stems above the first pair of leaves and move them to a bright and cool place. After two weeks, water it a little, and after another two, transplant it into a slightly larger pot with fertile soil mixed with sand and place it on a sunny window sill - these conditions will ensure the growth of the plant.In order for it to blossom well, which means that it has a nice compact habit, we peel its shoots from time to time. The next step is to get the plant to bloom. It is enough to extend its night to 14 hours by putting on a black paper cap (this is done every day for 4-5 weeks). To avoid these treatments, it is enough in December and January to place the Kalanchoe in a room that is not lit by incandescent lamps. If we follow these advice, the plant will bloom in the middle of winter.
Can I put Blossfeld's Kalanchoe on the balcony?
Yes, in summer such holidays are even advisable. However, we should remember to protect them from too harsh sun and excessive rainfall. And finally - how to reproduce kalanchoe? It is best in June or July to prepare cuttings from the tips of the shoots and root them in sand, peat, perlite or even water.