Asian ranunculus (Silhouette)

Asian ranunculus Ranunculus asiaticus is one of the most spectacular and versatile spring plants. This cool-loving species is known primarily for its unusual cultivated varieties, attracting attention with huge, full flowers with delicate tissue-paper petals.They can be up to 10 cm in diameter.

In its natural state, i.e. in southern Europe, southwest Asia and northern Africa, Asian buttercup is a bulbous perennial that blooms with red or pink flowers in spring.Single flowers of the species are filled with many black stamens, deceptively reminiscent of poppies (they differ in the number of petals: 5 for glaucoma, 4 for poppies). In cultivated varieties, flowers can have different colors: white, yellow, orange and two-color flowers, e.g. with a contrasting border, are added to the pink and red typical for the species.

The hit of recent years is the 'Success Green' variety with greenish flowers. The background for the flowers is pretty pinnate leaves. Plants reach approx. 45 cm in height. The species thrives best in relatively low temperatures - optimal for flowering is around 12-14 ° C.When summer comes and it gets warmer, the above-ground part of the plant dies, waiting out the heat in the form of small root tubers with a characteristic shape of "claws" attached at the top.

Under our conditions, the tubers do not overwinter, so you need to dig them out before winter and store them at 8-10 ° C, covered with peat or sawdust. In April, they can be planted in the ground to a depth of 5-7 cm. Before planting, it is good to soak the tubers for a few hours, as this speeds up their development.However, plants that were previously driven under covers (in greenhouses or tunnels) are bought much more often. Flowering plants appear in late March or early April.

Asiatic buttercups are best planted in a quiet, warm and sunny place.The soil should be fresh but well-drained, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.If we want to store the tubers until the next year, we should remove the fading flowers and stop watering after flowering. The tubers are dug up soon after the leaves have dried.

The versatile Asian ranunculus

Asian buttercups can be used in many ways, e.g. as container plants.Ideally planted in baskets or clay pots - solo or creating picturesque multicolored compositions with pansies, primroses, forget-me-nots and bulbous plants such as hyacinths, narcissi and tulips.

Flowering in April makes glaucoma a wonderful element of Easter compositions - both on the balcony and terrace, as well as in the apartment.It is worth remembering, however, that the plants do not spend more than a few days in the room - the temperature exceeds 18 ° C significantly accelerates menopause and negatively affects their appearance.

After Easter, transfer buttercups to the balcony, terrace or plant them in the garden next to forget-me-nots, pansies or other flower beds. In fact, flowering is longer and lasts until the end of May or the beginning of June. Buttercups grown as cut flowers are also becoming more and more popular.

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