Of the twenty species of dracaena growing in tropical regions of Africa, Asia and Australia, the most commonly used is : Dracaena Dracaena deremensis of the 'Warnecki' variety with leaves with white stripes and green margins, fragrant dracaena Dracaena fragrans of the cultivar 'Lindena' with leaves with a characteristic, rather wide yellow edge and marginata dracaena marginata (in several varieties) with narrow leaves with an edge usually red-brown or white.
In autumn and winter, we provide them with a temperature of 18-20 ° C, reduce watering a bit and place them in the place where there is the most light, because its deficiency may cause the leaves to turn green in those varieties that have them. During the period of intensive growth, we provide the dracaena with more water.
The soil in the pot should be constantly moist, but note: excess water causes rotting of the roots, and deficiency - drying out of the leaves.From time to time we sprinkle the dracaena and feed it with liquid fertilizer with a low nitrogen content (with its excess the leaves lose their color characteristic for the species and cultivar).
Replant the dracaena when its roots extend beyond the pot.Older plants that already grow in large pots, only replace the top layer of earth.