Bouquet hydrangea - varieties, cultivation, care and pruning

Table of contents


  1. Characteristics
  2. Bouquet variety hydrangea
  3. Cut
  4. Cultivation
  5. Flowering

Bouquet hydrangeaHydrangea paniculatabelongs to the abundant genus represented by about 25 species growing in South and Southeast Asia and in North and South America.Bouquet hydrangea bushes have very attractive flowers gathered in stately inflorescences. The hydrangea flowers are much larger and more decorative thanks to the colored sepals resembling petals.

Bouquet hydrangea - characteristics

Bouquet (paniculate) hydrangea produces tallshrubs up to 2.5 m , but there are also single specimens growing up to 4 m. menopause are pink-red) and are gathered in large conical inflorescences. Recently, varieties with partially pink flowers have been bred.

The shrubs bloom from July to September, later their flowering flowers become decorative. The advantage of bouquet hydrangea is that it ties flower buds on this year's shoots, formed in the flowering year. Thanks to this, it is not exposed to freezing, as is the case with garden hydrangea. Conical hydrangea behaves similarly.

Bouquet hydrangea grows best inpartial shade and in a sunny positionIt is very resistant to low temperatures. It winters without cover. In cold regions of Poland, it requires protection for the winter by covering a mound of bark, sawdust or humus soil, which protects the root part of the shoots against freezing.

Varieties of bouquet hydrangea

It is a plant of various colors, which varies depending on the variety. Additionally, the shades change during flowering. Below you will find some of the most famous and selected varieties that are valued for their large and abundant inflorescences.

" Vanille fraise bouquet hydrangea "

This is an extremely impressive variety that is characterized by very large white-pink inflorescences. They consist of sterile flowers, characterized by a rapid pinkening. Over time, the color changes to reddish, freely changing into a more intense color.This is a variety that won a medal in France at international fairs.

" Grandiflora bouquet hydrangea "

It is one of the most interesting and oldest varieties of bouquet hydrangea with white flowers (mostly all sterile), forming tall shrubs up to 4 m. In Lądek Zdrój grows one of its largest specimens, beautifully blooming every year. It reaches a height of about 2 m. It is quite universal due to its moderate requirements - suitable for planting in most positions. It blooms in late July and early September with abundant inflorescences about 20-30 cm in size.

" Phantom bouquet hydrangea "

Conical and paniculate variety.It blooms in late August and early October. It is characterized by specific sterile flowers that consist of only 4 petals. Their color goes from white to slightly pinkish. They are quite lush, because their length is 30-40 cm. It is quite an undemanding variety - it is characterized by high frost resistance, thanks to which it does not need to be covered. The soil should be moist, humus and fertile for the proper development of the plant.

" Polar bear bouquet hydrangea "

This is a unique variety among bouquet hydrangeas that is characterized by its enormous size. The length of the inflorescence can be up to 40 cm. In the initial phase, a small conical shape is created, which then slowly spreads to the sides. It grows up to 2 m in height - it can also be grown in the form of a tree. Its giant inflorescences are a rarity among bouquet hydrangeas, the length of which usually varies around 20-30 cm.

" Anabelle bouquet hydrangea "

It is a universal and undemanding plant that has spherical white or snow-white inflorescences. In the later stages of flowering, this shade turns slightly darker with a greenish tinge. It reaches a height of about 1.5 m - it can be grown as a shrub or a small tree. Its undemanding nature makes it highly resistant to frost and other unfavorable conditions.

" Ruby bouquet hydrangea "

As the name suggests, this hydrangea is characterized by a deep ruby ​​color, which is interspersed with a white shade in some places. This is a variety that grows up to 3 meters in height.It is one of the fastest growing plants - it is highly resistant to frost and unfavorable conditions. Like other varieties, it grows he althily in moist and fertile soils. We will achieve the best results if it is fertilized with compost and covered with pine bark. Bright and spacious positions ensure the development of inflorescences reaching 30 cm in length. Remember to choose a place that is not exposed to excessive heating.

" Pinky Winky bouquet hydrangea "

This is one of the smaller varieties of bouquet hydrangea, which reaches up to 1.5 m in height - this is due to slower growth than with other plants. Initially, during flowering (at the turn of July and September), the flowers turn white, then in autumn they turn pink, sometimes reaching red. The main advantage of this variety is the characteristic stiffness of the shoots, which ensures that the inflorescences remain quite high without sagging the entire plant.

" Kyushu bouquet hydrangea "

" Like Pinky Winky, this variety is characterized by stiff stems that hold the inflorescences quite high. It can be pruned as a shrub or a small tree, as it reaches a height of 3 m. During flowering from August to September, the flowers take on a whitish greenish color. which darkens slightly during the fall. The plant thrives best in fertile, humus and acidic soils. As for the position, it is undemanding - it can be planted in sunny or shaded places. "

" Pink diamond hydrangea "

As the name suggests, this is a variety with white-pinkish inflorescences. They darken over time and completely turn pink. It blooms from July to September - when gradually dried, it remains shapely for a long time, therefore it is perfect for dry bouquets and bouquets in combination with fresh flowers.It is a medium height plant, up to 2 meters high. It can be planted in slightly sunny or semi-shaded positions. It is a frost-resistant variety.

" Bouquet hydrangea Limelight "

This is the most sought-after bouquet hydrangea, which surprises with its lime color. It perfectly combines with the green color of the leaves, creating an interesting color duo. Towards the end of flowering, in September-October, the flowers slowly turn yellow-white, turning into a more intense pink color. The plant prefers slightly darkened places with a fertile and moist soil. Its height reaches about 1.5 m. It is a valuable ingredient in bouquets and bouquets, keeping well in them for a long time.

" Everest bouquet hydrangea "

" This is one of the most beautiful varieties, which, like the Polar bear, impresses with huge inflorescences. These form a cone, gently widening downwards. These 40 cm panicles bloom in late July through September. Gradually the color darkens from white to slightly greenish. In the final stage of bleeding, the petals turn pink. The plant requires a fertile and humus substrate, which will ensure its best growth. If we want to please the eye, it is worth planting it in home gardens, providing a sunny or semi-shaded position. "

" Bouquet Hydrangea Bombshell "

Bouquet hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata of the variety is a valuable shrub with beautiful rounded inflorescences filled with decorative sterile flowers. Initially white, they become slightly pink over time. The bushes are quite low, growing up to a meter, but can be taller.The bushes have erect shoots, 50 cm high and about 70 cm in diameter. Shrubs of this variety can also be used as ground cover plants, one plant per square meter. Sometimes the inflorescences fall under the weight of the flowers, so you need to provide support for the bushes.

Bouquet hydrangea grows best and blooms best in sunny places, with soil rich in nutrients, preferably covered with organic mulch. It grows well in permeable, but moderately moist soils, necessarily covered with mulch. Shrubs in early spring (April) should be trimmed, shortening the annual growths over the 2-4 bud.This cut stimulates profuse floweringand the inflorescences will be large and elaborate.

Bouquet hydrangea - variety 'Rensun'

In November, the 'Rensun' bouquet hydrangea charms us with its attractive pink color of its lush flowers.In summer, white flowers develop there, which with time turn pink, and later (in autumn) they turn pink and burgundy. The attractive color of flowers in autumn and large, delightful inflorescences of up to 40 cm in size make this shrub very popular in the garden.Stems under the weight of large inflorescences often hang over and overlap.

In the garden, the 'Rensun' bouquet hydrangea appreciates soils rich in nutrients, fertilized with good compost and decomposed manure, enriched with multi-component mineral fertilizers in spring.Shrubs prefer a slightly acidic or neutral soil reaction.In spring, shorten the annual shoots over 3-4 buds.

Bouquet hydrangea - variety 'Bobo'

Bouquet hydrangea has a new miniature variety of 'Bobo'. It creates low shrubs with a rounded habit, growing up to 70 cm and a meter in diameter. During flowering (in summer), the plant is entirely sprinkled with numerous flowers gathered in conical inflorescences.At first they are white, then they turn pink, the leaves on the bush are practically invisible. Bushes bloom until the end of October. They are perfect for small gardens, they blend in attractively in flower beds with low perennials.

Can be used as ground cover plants. They grow best in sunny or semi-shaded positions, in moderately moist, moderately fertile to fertile soils. They do not tolerate dry, heavy and wet soils. In early spring, strongly prune the hydrangea shoots over the 3-4 eyelet in order to obtain a strongly branching bush.

Bouquet hydrangea - variety 'Sundae Fraise'

Bouquet hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata of the 'Sundae Fraise' variety is a new beautiful variety. It has large, conical inflorescences made of barren flowers which are initially chalky white and slightly pink with time. They are dense and compact, and single flowers have extended sepals. Shrubs grow up to 1.5 mThe same is done, for example, in Japanese hydrangea.

They have erect shoots ending in large inflorescences. 'Sundae Fraise' requires fertile, humus and moist soil with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction.It grows badly in heavy, cold and waterlogged soil.Before planting, it is good to cover the hole with peat mixed with decomposed compost or manure. The bushes should be planted in quiet places with a sunny exposure or in delicate partial shade.

They require watering during droughts because they are sensitive to the lack of water in the soil. They look attractive when planted in groups or under the treetops. At the end of March / beginning of April, we can start pruning, because the shrubs bloom on the shoots produced in the flowering year.Young hydrangeas are pruned over 4-5 buds.From the buds remaining on the bushes, shoots will be formed, which will end with nice inflorescences.

Long-flowering bouquet hydrangea variety

'Tardiva' with white barren flowers gathered in conical inflorescences is a valuable variety of the Hydrangea paniculta bouquet hydrangea. The shrubs bloom from July to the end of September, later the flowering inflorescences become decorative. It grows up to 1.7 m. Flower buds are formed on this year's shoots, thanks to which they are not exposed to frost.In the garden it grows best in partial shade and in a sunny position.

It belongs to the varieties resistant to low temperatures. It winters without cover, and in cold regions of Poland it requires protection for the winter by covering a mound of bark, sawdust or humus soil, which protects the root part of the shoots against freezing.

Growing bouquet hydrangeas

Bouquet hydrangeas like systematic fertilization because they are fast-growing shrubs, requiring a lot of soil. Fertilization of bouquet hydrangeas is carried out monthly, preferably with ready-made hydrangea mixtures or multi-component fertilizers containing macro- and micronutrients. Spread the fertilizer evenly next to the plants, preferably by mixing it with the mulch. During drought, systematically water the bushes with a large dose of water once a week, preferablyabout 10-15 liters, for one mature bushHydrangea bushes grow best in soil covered with pine bark mulch, which protects the soil from both drying out and weeds.

Bouquet hydrangeas look attractive in groups. They can be planted under the canopy of trees giving partial shade. They also look very nice in large urban settings, for example in parks or along city walking routes, the so-called promenades. We plant hydrangea seedlings mainly in spring.

In the garden, the bouquet hydrangea blends in very effectively with tall grasses, for example varieties of miscanthus Chinese, or tall perennials.Developed cut inflorescences can be used in various types of compositions, moreover, they are perfect for a cut flower. If we want to create decorative dryers out of them, we shoulddry them in dry and dark roomsThey retain their white and pink colors perfectly. They blend in nicely with other dryers or solo in a glass dish.

What is chlorosis on hydrangea leaves?

Hydrangeas are acidophilic species that require slightly acidic to acidic soil for proper development. When the pH is too alkaline, chlorosis appears on the leaves of hydrangeas in the form of discoloration and yellowing of the spaces between the veins, which remain green.

- explains the expert Anna Błaszczak

Cutting bouquet hydrangea

Pruning the plant is an inseparable element that will ensure its proper growth and stronger shoots. The bushes should be cut regularly in order not to burden the hydrangea.

How to prune a bouquet hydrangea - ripe specimens

At the end of March or the beginning of April, we can start pruning the shrubs that bloom on the shoots produced in the flowering year. Young bushes are pruned over 4-5 buds. From the buds remaining on the bushes, shoots will be formed, which will end with nice inflorescences. Only the thickest shoots are left. Thin ones are cut completely, because if left, they will produce tiny shoots ending in small inflorescences.

Older shrubs are rejuvenated by cutting out the oldest shoots at the root collar each year. They will be replaced by the plant with new shoots. Large incision wounds are treated with Santarem or Funaben. Pruning of other old shrubs can be limited toshortening over the 2-3 buds of last year's one-year shoots.

How to trim a bouquet hydrangea - young specimens

The shrubs of this hydrangea grow widely and grow up to 2.5 m, they have very attractive and magnificent conical inflorescences 20-30 cm long, which develop in August. At the end of March or the beginning of April, we start cutting the bouquet of hydrangea bushes, which blooms on the shoots produced in the flowering year. The young bouquet hydrangea bushes are prunedover the 4-5 budsThe buds remaining on the bushes will produce shoots, which will end with nice inflorescences. Other shrubs are rejuvenated by gradually cutting out the oldest shoots at the root neck each year.

Summer flowering of bouquet hydrangea

Full flowering of attractive Hydrangea paniculata shrubs. The cultivars with large inflorescences made of barren flowers, such as' Candlelight ',' Limelight ',' Magical Candle ',' Magical Fire ',' Magical Moonlight ',' Mega Mindy '' Phantom ',' Polar Bear ',' Silver Dollar ',' Rensum ',' Renhy '.These varieties have impressive inflorescences.

What are the reasons for the hydrangea not blooming? Our expert, Dr. Tomasz Mróz, answers

Hydrangea (Hydrangea L.) is a type of short, spreading shrubs with large and shapely inflorescences, which are certainly the pride of many gardener. Spherical inflorescences of pink, white or blue color will impressively decorate both gardens and terraces. But what if the hydrangea does not bloom? There may be several reasons for this. First of all, you should remember about the basic rules of cultivation. Hydrangeas prefer slightly acidic, fertile and moist soil. They require places that are sheltered from the wind and partially shaded. Therefore, too alkaline substrate (yellowing leaves, poor growth), lack of proper fertilization (high nutritional requirements due to long and abundant flowering), too low humidity and lack of regular, abundant watering (leaf wilting, poor growth, drying of inflorescence buds), the lack of light or its excess has a significant impact on their flowering.If all these needs have been met and your hydrangea is still not blooming, there may be another reason.

Due to flowering, hydrangeas can be divided into two groups: a) flowering on this year's shoots (varieties of Hortensia bouquet (H. paniculata) and shrub (H. arborescens), and b) flowering on last year's shoots (varieties of garden hydrangea ( H. macrophylla). Bouquet and shrub hydrangeas grow quickly and for lush flowering they need a deep spring pruning to thin the bush. For this reason, frosts are also not terrible for them. However, the garden hydrangea is much more demanding in this respect. It is always cut at the root) or a spring cut will deprive it of shoots with flower buds. An equally common reason is the frost of the plant. Flower buds formed on the tops of shoots are the most exposed to cold, so if you want the garden hydrangea to bloom, you need to cover it and protect it already in autumn. before the onset of the first frost.

They bloom for a long time, from mid-July to mid-October. Later (at the end of summer) the inflorescences change color, depending on the variety, to a delicate pink or strong pink, sometimes purple color. Summer care for bouquet hydrangea consists in watering the bushes during dry and hot days. It is best to waterevery 5 days in large doses , even 10-15 liters per bush.

This is especially important for fully flowering plants as they have large leaves that transpire and evaporate water on hot and dry days. In August, we finish feeding bushes with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. But if you can see that the hydrangeas have bright leaves, you can decompose in the radius of the crowncompost or decomposed manure.Feeding plants with fermented nettle green fodder gives very good results. In summer, the bouquet hydrangea captivates with the beauty of its flowers, requiring mainly regular watering.

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