Spring is coming! Mimogentle winterwe look forward to the moment when inwarm rayssunsopen in a delicate napdark purple cupspasque-flowers. They look especially beautiful in a rock garden, under the cover of large stones.Spring flowers pasque-flowersalso have fans in the fauna world - inbeautifulsunny daysfind them quicklyfirsthardworking bees.
Right next to itclumps violet flowersthe white pillows of Iberis' clothes are arranged.Always green perennial notdrowned pasque-flower , if we prune its shoots right after flowering. In the rock garden, thecute pillow plantis the phlox subulata, which delays flowering until April. Then its creeping shoots will form a dense floral carpet inpink ,purpleorwhite
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Flowers spalyka szydlastego Phlox subulata (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
After a long winter break, alsoperennialsondiscountsBergenia shakes up very early from a winter nap. Herreddish ,leathery leavesdo not give in even to severe frosts and quickly come back to life.Some gardeners do not appreciate bergenia as it has a bit ofclunky ,stiff appearanceand other plants, it all depends on the right arrangement. Bergenia is perfect as apartner of spring perennialswith fine flowers and delicate shoots. On a semi-shaded bed with humus-rich, slightly moist soil, a charming group consists of pink-flowering Bergen withbrightly blue flowers kokoryczyCorydalis flexuosa.
Kokorycz toasian bylina kobiercowaoblueKwiatachIt came to Europe not long ago, only twenty years ago. She comes from the Wolong reserve in China, the home of the panda bear. Kokorycz, like bergenia, hasleaves cold-hardyUnfortunately, in the summer the plant very often disappears from the surface of the bed. Its above-ground partseasyandfast die offwhen the ground is too dry.In autumnthey grow up kępki new ,feathered leaves , and in spring there are short-shoot inflorescences formed by tubular flowers withlong spursBergenie can be combined with brunner, also calledCaucasian forget-me-notHer tiny blue flowers only develop inApril , but she covers the rebate throughout the season denserug nice heart-shapedleaves
In the spring gardenshould bloom primrosesAfter the gray winter weeks our longing for intense colors will surely soothe red,yellowandpurple kępki large-floweredprimrosestemlessprimula vulgaris.primroses ,hyacinthsandnarcissi , blooming in pots and bowls at the front door, joyfully every daywelcome household membersandguests In the garden there will certainly be a place for a more modest, wild form of a stemless primrose withsulfur-yellow flowersUnder deciduous trees and in front of a hedge, this small-flowered plant looks much more natural than her more magnificent, butshorter living sisters
With primrosesgood they fit anemones , which in March cover numerous places inforests deciduousas well as flower beds in the garden under trees and shrubs. Later, whentall plants spread out shadyroofmade of leaves,anemones fallwsummer dreamand disappear withdiscountsWe may not notice empty spaces, remembering that in spring they will charm us again with theirdelicate with flowers