In autumn we can find many common and most frequently collected species of mushrooms in Poland. One of the most sought after and valued isboletus noble(boletus) Boletus edulis. It is associated with the roots of many species ofconifersanddeciduous trees , we can find it in forests as well as in parks. The shape of the boletus is characteristic, with a thick, light brownish stem covered with a mesh in the upper part and a magnificent brown cap. A layer of tubes develops on the underside of the hat, in which spores are produced.Young fruiting bodieshave white tubular ends which turn yellow to olive as they grow.
Because ofbeautiful aromaanddelicate flavorporcini mushroomsuitable for drying, marinating and freezing. It is great as a base for sauces, soups, and an addition to roasts. Can it be confused with a poisonous species? It is rather impossible. Very similar and beautifulbitterness yellowTylopilus felleus, called Satan, has a more colorful, yellow-brown body covered with a very distinct mesh and initiallywhiteand thenpinkish mouths tubesWe are not able to poison ourselves with it, mainly because that because of bitterness it cannot be eaten. A piece of raw mushroom placed on the tongue will effectively tell us that we are dealing with bitterness.
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Pieprznik jadalny (Photo: |
A valued species ispepper edibleCantharellus cibarius, also calledhenorliszkąVery easy to identify, it tolerates transport very well, only extremely red (wormed). It usually grows in groups in forests (underpines ) and deciduous forests (underbeeches ,oaks , grabami ). The fruiting bodies are funnel-shaped and all of them are bright yellow. Initially, they resemble corn kernels, when ripe, they have a wavy cap and thick leaves that run down the stem, often fusing together.
Similar to peppercornfox orangeHygrophoropsis aurantiaca is similar in size and habit, but more intense, orange in color and thinbadges instead of slatsThe mistake is not dramatic -foxcauses more sensitive people gastric indisposition.Chanterelle most often eaten immediately after harvesting,marinatedis also delicious, you can evenfreeze it
Maślaki liked themselvesyoung trees pine treesThe most common speciesbutterflies- ordinary Suillus luteus - characterized by a slimy brown cap and a membranous ring on the stem. Similar to himbuttercup grainyS. granulatus has no ring, andyoung fruiting bodiessecrete a milky substance in the upper part of their stem.
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Maślaki (Photo: |
Drier on the surface, devoid of the ring, and characterized by large tube orifices arebutterflies sitarzS.bovinus. Below the larch trees we find bright yellow or orangebutterflies yellowS. grevillei, which are associated only with larch roots. When we plant a row of larch trees on the plot, after a few years we can have a private "plantation" of these tasty mushrooms. All types of butterflies are edible. They are suitable for marinating, drying, freezing, pasteurizing after cooking or stewing.
When we collect kids, it's hard to make a mistake. Individual species are associated with specific trees: under the birches you will findkosher orange-yellowLeccinum versipelle andkosherbabkęL. scabrum, under the hornbeams -scythe hornbeamL. pseudoscabrum, underaspen - red L. aurantiacum, under poplars -poplarL. duriusculum. These and other species of mowers growing in Poland have a slender habit, hats of various colors - from white through brown to various shadesred ,clear , whitish tube mouths and scales on the stem.There are no poisonous or inedible species in this genus. They are used similarly toporcini mushrooms ,butterfliesandbay boletus
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Podgrzybki (Photo: |
Boletus brown(xerocomus badius), also known as the black head, belongs to the most common mushrooms found in the mushroom picker's basket. It is most numerous in pine and spruce forests. It has a chestnut hat, yellow tube mouths, and a yellow-brown stem. It is used in a similar way as other "boletus" mushrooms. Other species of boletus, e.g.bolete bunnyXerocomus subtomentosus andbolete Złopory (golden) X. pascuus=X. chrysentheron are less common and less tasty.
In addition to the described, most popular species, in our forests, on roads, parks and meadows, there are still many less known edible mushroom species, or those harvested only locally. Among them, the most characteristic are:czubajkakania Macrolepiota procera,czernidłak kołpakowatyCoprinus comatus,puffball ruggedLycoperdon perlatum and Craterellus cornucopioides. Czubajka kite, also known as an owl, is the best mushroom for … "pork chops". The most common form of preparing it is frying breaded hats inflour ,eggibunłce gratedYoung, hemispherical hats can also be stuffed and baked.
Kite is a slender mushroom with an umbrella-like appearance. The cap of mature fruiting bodies can reach 20-30 cm in diameter.It has (unlike toadstools) brown but not white patches, white gills that do not touch the stem,brown , a zigzag pattern on a cream background of the stem surface and a large, easily sliding over shank of the ring. The kite is similar toczubajka reddeningM. rhacodes, which is much smaller, has a smooth stem without a zigzag pattern and turns red afterdamage flesh
Czernidłak Kołpakowatyis a species that grows in meadows,pastures , roadsideand city lawns. It has an elongated, cylindrical hat with numerous brownish scales on a white background and initially white gills. Such young, pure white fruiting bodies are edible. As they mature, the gills turn black and melt intoblack maś Czernidłaki kołpakowateare very unstable mushrooms, which do not tolerate transport and storage well.They should be prepared for consumption as soon as possible after harvesting, frying or stewing. There are no similar poisonous species.
On the second page, information on why you should eat puffballs and a set of tips on how to safely collect mushrooms.