Exotic palm trees - growing and caring for palm trees

My garden has been dominated byraindropsSauromatum guttatum for several years. It is commonly called a club or a voodoo lily. The latter term comes from the fact that a plant can bloom without soil and water under favorable conditions at home. So it can be said that in a sense, it "comes alive from the dead."


  1. Position, planting and flowering of palm trees
  2. Fruit fruiting

Position, planting and flowering of palm trees

Pałczycha grows up to about 50 cm. It does not like drought, so it should be planted in a partially shaded place and maintain a constant soil moisture. Store the plant tubers in pots over the winter.

Before planting, they should be watered heavily for 2-3 weeks - then they will sprout roots. We plant them in early April, when the frosts have stopped. The most original decoration of the coccyx is a single, monoecious flower, which appears before the leaves develop. Its stem is thick and elongated. Light brown on the outside and greenish with brown spots on the inside. It grows a butt, which is the reproductive organ of the plant (male and female flowers are hidden in it).

If I plant the tubers into the ground at the beginning of spring, the flower usually appears at the end of May.

Unfortunately, its downside is an intense and unpleasant smell. I have read that the plant attracts the insects that pollinate it. So, if someone grows a palm tree in a pot, I strongly advise against bringing a flowering plant into the house .

The flower dies after 3-4 days, but leaves soon appear, which are also attractive. They grow from tubers on green, brown-spotted petioles. They remain on the plant until the end of October, when they turn yellow and fall off.

Fruit fruiting

The rasp fruit also deserves attention. It appears in August and matures until the end of September. It is large and consists of dozens of soft, black and red berries. Each of them contains one seed. At the end of October, when the leaves fall, I cut it off the tuber. From my observations, it can be concluded that the roosters can overwinter in the ground, but only under a cover made of a thick layer of bark or sawdust. However, it is safer to keep it at home and drop it off in spring.

Ilona Nowak

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