Carpets made of ground cover plants

Garden with attractivelycomposedandeasydiscounts - this is the goal of most gardeners. When putting them on, we can save a lot of work by planting them in freeplaces decorative specieswhich quickly andtightlycover the ground, effectively drowning out weeds. It does not always have to be aboutlarge surfacesIn every garden there will be small, empty places where we would see plants that are cute but do not require special care. Many beautiful specimens that meet such requirements can be found in the group of flowering perennials.

Among theplants ground cover plantsthere are those that we would not include in this group at first. SageomszonaSalvia nemorosa,catnipNepeta czyrudbeckia flashyRudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm' are medium-tall perennials that are perfect for filling gaps insunlit rabacieNumerous species and varieties have similar qualitiesGeranium macrorrhizum or the large-flowered Geranium macrorrhizum or the large-flowered Geranium x magnificum, apart from the well-known Geranium macrorrhizum or the large-flowered Geranium x magnificum, new varieties are noteworthy, such as 'Rozanne' and 'Jolly Bee'.

Perennials that like sunbathing

Anafalis Three-nerve

Anaphalis triplinervis catches the eye with its gray felt leaves and tiny white flowers

Acena Drobnolistna

Acaena microphylla forms dense evergreen pillows. In the picture. red-brown variety of 'Kupferteppich'

Spring cinquefoil

Potentilla neumanniana unfolds a fairly thick (20 cm high) rug in yellow and green colors from April to May

Basil soap

Saponaraia ocymoides feels best in a dry and nutrient-poor environment

Postharsky bell

Campanula poscharskyana produces long, creeping and profusely flowered shoots throughout the summer

Ordinary Whistle

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides has blue flowers and glossy leaves reddening in autumn

Latestgeraniumsare still quite expensive, but some compensation will be the abundance ofblue-violet flowersthat adorn the discounts until November. Besides, four or five plants can very quickly and accurately cover about 1 m² of bare soil.Similarly, you can usealchemilla mollis andbergeniain the garden, which we also plant in groups. These perennials feel good on flower bedssunlitandsemi-shaded

In places with variable insolation, many species of carpets grow excellently. The exceptions are plants from the rock garden, such asacenaAcaena,dębikDryas orthymesandThymus serpyllum, who need intense sunlight. On the other hand, some classic shade plants, e.g.pragniaWaldsteinia andperiwinkle smallerVinca minor, fulfill their role well also in partially sunny positions.

Before or between shrubs and trees, i.e. in thezone light shadow , beautiful and dense rugs form Ajuga bugle, knotweedrelatedPolygonum affine anddelusionOmphalodes.And places where it's really dark can be planted withmadderGalium,kopytnikAsarum, epimedium and Tiarella cordata sercoline. Caring for ground cover plants requires caution. Do not approach them with a hoe or cover themthick with a layerbeddingPlant them rather densely so that veiled the baresurface earthas soon as possible, preventing the development ofany species weed

Carpet perennials for shaded positions

Marzanka fragrant

Galium odoratum is our native groundcover with numerous, tiny, fragrant flowers

Tiarella Tiarella

has delicate, slightly pink flowers gathered in panicles. Decorative leaves can last long in mild winters

Gajowiec Yellow

Lamiastrum galeobdolon, pic. the variety 'Hermann's Pride' has a compact, strong habit, and the serrated leaves are distinguished by a nice drawing

Brunner's large-leaved

Brunnera macrophylla blooms in spring and enlivens shady beds

Chinese Tawułka

Astilbe chinensis var. pumila produces pink-violet, care-free carpets during the flowering period


Symphytum is a low-maintenance plant. Different varieties develop blue, pink or yellow flowers

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