The offers of horticultural farms can be so tempting, and the plants themselves are so beautiful that it is difficult to pass by them indifferently. Some, against their own decisions, succumb to the temptation and constantly buy new potted specimens, endlessly expanding the already existing plant collection. This is not a problem as long as the weather is great and frosts are the last thing on our mind. However, there comes a time when we need to ask ourselves: how to safely overwinter two dozen pots planted with cold-sensitive plants? As it turns out, the answer is not always simple, mainly due to the lack of winter accommodation and limited space in the house.In such a situation, it is best to distribute the plants to friends or replace them with potted tree species. The benefits of this will be twofold: trees and shrubs left outside will not take up space in the house, and will additionally decorate the garden at a time when most other terraces are only covered with snow. In addition, the trees keep the bulbous plants company from spring, bloom luxuriantly in summer and bear colorful fruit in autumn.
Which genres to choose?
The fashion for potted winter-hardy crops is reflected in the offer of nurseries and gardening. In addition to perennials and bulbous species, potted trees and shrubs for cultivation on balconies and terraces are also available for sale. Good quality plants can be recognized by the root ball, which, after taking it out of the pot (we hold it by the root of the shoot), should be overgrown with strong roots with a specific fresh smell, and the substrate should form a compact lump. Low-growing species that do not grow deep into the ground are suitable for outdoor cultivation.Suitable for year-round cultivation include: boxwood and dwarf pine (evergreen). Very interesting decorative effects can be obtained by growing rhododendrons and azaleas in pots, which in spring take on a beautiful cover of red, pink and white flowers, as well as ornamental maples, which are famous for their bright leaves in autumn. The choice of a decorative apple tree, such as the 'Tina' variety, which blooms in spring and bears fruit in late summer, can be a bull's eye. Small colorful fruits stay on the shoots until the first frost. Lush flowering is typical for plants such as the shrubby cinquefoil, primate and viburnum.
Care is the key
Effective plant care starts with the selection of a pot. The container should be massive and large (minimum 50 cm high), because the smaller the space for the roots, the more time we will have to spend on caring for the plants in the above-ground part. It is also worth making sure that the pot is made of frost-resistant material and has a water drainage hole (s).All houseplants, including winter-hardy ones, need to be watered and supplied regularly. It is worth thinking about drainage in advance, so that the excess water flows down the clear channel directly into the drainage hole, without exposing the roots to long-term moisture. For this purpose, while still at the planting stage, we put a layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot or place fragments of a clay pot. Place a water-permeable non-woven fabric between the drainage and the ground; this prevents contamination from getting to the bottom of the container. We supply miniature woody plants with fertilizers for potted plants (liquid, solid, long-acting fertilizers) or with special fertilizers with a composition selected taking into account the needs of a specific species. We do not feed the plants from August to spring. Transplanting (into larger pots) is best planned in the spring.
Protecting plants against severe frosts
You have to remember that plants in pots are more sensitive to the effects of cold than plants in the ground.Therefore, prophylactically, the containers should be wrapped with jute mats, covered with non-woven fabric or spruce twigs and placed closer to the house wall. On frost-free days, plants need to be watered. The evergreen species must be additionally sheltered from strong sun.
When do we plant?
The best month to plant cold-hardy potted plants is September. In order for the plants to survive the hibernation well, they should be watered abundantly in the fall. We replant young plants every 2-3 years in the spring. Older ones, which do not show such strong shoot growth, are transplanted every 4-5 years. The roots should be cleaned of old soil, and fresh soil for flowers should be poured into the pots. Spring transplanting is a good opportunity to carry out a corrective cut of bulging crowns.