From domestic species, it is worth recommending larch, including its Siberian variety. We can consider the purchase of exotic wood, maybe slightly more expensive than domestic, but nobler and more resistant to weather conditions. We can choose, among others bangkirai, mukulungu, sapeli or tatajuba.
Standard backyard terrace is embedded in the ground. It is best to connect such a terrace to the ground with point concrete posts (they provide the best stability), or blocks dug into the ground. A load-bearing structure is placed on them, consisting of joists (fixed to the concrete) and counter-members (fixed to the joists).A wooden floor made of boards is attached to such a truss.
We can do it in two ways: either invasively with screws or non-invasively with clips and other special connection systems.A wooden terrace can be embedded on an already existing old terrace with a concrete structure.It is extremely important to protect the entire surface under the terrace with separation and filtration geotextiles and gravel to prevent weeds from growing. We should also remember that the terrace should be slightly inclined towards the garden, so that no water accumulates on the boards after rain.
Superficial dirt on furniture can be washed off with a rice brush soaked in water with detergent.Scrub the wood along the grain.Deeper dirt may require the use of sandpaper.Here, too, remember to clean the elements along the grain, sanding with paper wrapped around a wooden block.
The idea of vertical gardens spreads rapidly. There are already many assembly systems commercially available that enable the installation of vertical gardens.Next to the solution copied from the balconies, but in this case the boxes are not hung in series on the balustrade, but columnar on the panel.
The entire structure is made of wood and it corresponds aesthetically with the terrace floor. Wooden boxes can be replaced with cheaper, plastic ones. The panel is best planted with plants with long, overhanging shoots. They can be ornamental species, e.g. petunias or geraniums, or vegetables, e.g. cherry tomatoes.