More about the plant below:
Woolly purgatory Stachys byzantina
category : perennials
position : sun
height : 40-60 cm
frost resistance : to -25 ° C
soil reaction : neutral, slightly acidic, slightly alkaline
soil preference : permeable, sandy loam
watering : little
color of leaves / needles:silver-gray, yellow
color of flowers : pink
habit : creeping, clumpy
flowering period : June-July
seeding: autumn
reproduction : clump division, sowing
leaf durability : all-year
application : flower beds, rockeries, ground cover, balconies, terraces, cut flower, honey plant
growth rate : fast
It is not difficult to guess where the second part of the name of this plant comes from. One look at the velvety soft leaves with a silvery tinge is enough and everything becomes clear. The small flowers of the purgatory's lips are barely noticeable, they form from July to September. Depending on the variety, they can be pink or whitish.If we care more about the leaves, cut out the inflorescence shoots that appear regularly.The 'Silver Carpet' variety hardly produces flowers.
Perennial creates dense pillows after a few years, which can reach heights of 15 to 60 cm.The oval felt leaves grow to a length of 25 to 60 cm, depending on the variety.
Purgatory likes sunny places, it thrives best in permeable soil. It is very sensitive to stagnant water. If the ground in our garden is heavy and clayey, we should improve it with sand.
Woolly purgatory can be multiplied by division in early spring or after flowering.
Perennial is undemanding and requires virtually no additional care.It is only important to water it in case of prolonged drought.
Woolly purgatory can be grown in various parts of the garden, because its leaves do not lose their decorative value, even in winter.Can be planted in sunny, dry positions of a country garden, accompanied by roses, as a border for a rebate.After many years it becomes a dominant plant, therefore we should not plant weak plants in its surroundings.
After a wet winter, you can clean plants of diseased, damaged leaves. Their place will be quickly taken by new increments.