More about the plant below:
Elegant Zinnia, Jacobite Zinnia Elegans
Category : Annuals
Position : Sun
height : 15-100 cm
frost resistance : -
soil reaction: slightly alkalinesoil preference
: fertile, humus, permeablewatering
: medium color of leaves / needles : green
color of flowers : yellow, orange, red, pink, lilac, white, green, purple
habit : upright, branching
flowering period : June-October
sowing : spring
reproduction : sowing
leaf durability : seasonal application
: flower beds, balconies, cut flowers, terracesgrowth rate
: fast
Zinnia loves sunny positions. No wonder, after all, her homeland is hot Mexico. Zinnia is available in both short and tall varieties. Semi-tall and tall varieties with a height of between 40 and 90 cm are very well suited for bedding plantings. They can also be grown as a cut flower.Zinnia can have simple, semi-double and full flowers that bloom from July to October.
Zinnia grow in bushy clumps. Their flowers are set on long stalks, from which sprout leaves covered with delicate fluff.The flowers are white, yellow, orange and pink.Depending on the variety, the plants reach a height offrom 25 to 80 cm and a much smaller width. The cultivars of the Thumbelina series have flowers of dia. 5 cm and only 15 cm high.
A warm, sunny position is ideal for growing zinnia.The substrate should be fertile and moderately moist.
In the greenhouse, zinnia can be sown from March. After the last late frosts, the seedlings can be planted in a bed.In late spring the seeds can be sown directly into the ground.
Zinnia should be fed systematically.As a plant that comes from a hot climate, it is content with even small rations of water.
Zinnia are eagerly grown in perennial flower beds. They are easy to combine with other flowering species because zinnia come in many colors. Tall varieties look impressive especially in group plantings.Shorter varieties are also popular in pot cultivation.
Zinnia bloom profusely only in warm places. A cool summer does not favor their flowering and overall development.