What to plant on a dry forest plot?

A dry forest plot is a very specific place to create a garden. On the one hand, we are limited in the selection of species due to poor and dry soil, but on the other hand, we have a very original position, partially covered by already growing trees.Therefore, when choosing plants for such a place, we should pay great attention to maintaining a very characteristic climate forest.Therefore, in this type of gardens, you should avoid exotic species, with a very formal appearance (ball, cone) or formed plants, because they simply do not grow in forests.

As there are already trees on our plot - most often it will be Scots pine Pinus sylvestris, therefore planting new ones is usually not necessary.However, if we want to introduce additional trees, we can use other pine species, such as Serbian spruce Picea omorika, Larix larches, Betula pendula birch or Eleagnus angustifolia narrow-leaved olive with a silvery color of the leaves.

The most important part of the garden to be made will be the undergrowth and undergrowth in the natural forestOf course, when arranging, we can choose many more attractive species than those that grow in natural conditions.Among the shrubs that reach a height of 2-3 m, the Podolski peru Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' is worth recommending, which will create a strong purple spot, or its golden variety 'Golden Spirit'. A similar effect is obtained after planting various variegated varieties of the Ottawa barberry Berberis ottawensis, Thunberg's Berberis thunbergii and Physocarpus opulifolius.

Setting up a garden on a narrow plot of land

The degree of leaf coloring (especially red-leaved varieties) will depend on the degree of sunlight on the site. Of the species that flower in such conditions, numerous varieties of Cytisus genera with unusually colorful flowers, as well as the yellow-flowering Genista species of gorse can be used. A popular flowering species with good drought tolerance is the common lilac Syringa vulgaris. Of the conifers, reaching 2-3 m in height, we recommend the common juniper Juniperus communis and some bushy pines (most often mountain pine).

Perennial grass species on the forest plot look interesting.One of the most resistant, but expansive ones is the sand blight Leymus arenarius with bluish leaves, which is even used to strengthen dunesIn sunny clearings you can plant one of the species of evergreen tuft grasses, e.g. Gautiera Festuca fescue gautieri with green leaves, or fescue Festuca glauca with blue leaves.

Among the grasses of larger sizes, the expansive miscanthus Miscanthus sacchariflorus, reaching up to 1.5 m in height, is noteworthy. Other perennials in this type of garden will grow well in Thymus, Sedum sedum, Armeria maritima or Hieracium hawks.

An irreplaceable shrub is the narrow-leaved lavender Lavandula angustifolia, which is characterized by a nice flowering, scent, gray-blue color of the leaves and is a plant that attracts insects. A beautiful complement to a dry garden will be stains of heather and heather. The first will bloom in autumn, and the second most often in early spring.Remember, however, that heather plants have a shallow root system and must be watered during periods of drought.Therefore, if you do not plan any irrigation, better give up this group plants.

We will achieve an interesting effect by planting old pine trees with climbers. In the conditions of a forest garden, Parthenocissus quinquefolia is the best vine, which has low cultivation requirements, beautiful purple autumn leaves and fast growth, and its masonry variety (var. Murorum) has tendrils finished with rebates, which greatly facilitates growing smooth, branchless trunks of old trees. Among the flowering vines, it is also worth finding a place for the long (from July to October!) And profusely flowering Clematis 'Paul Farges' cultivar.

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