Roses planted with perennials, low shrubs or annuals reveal new possibilities of garden arrangement. This applies primarily to lush bushy, climbing and ground cover roses that benefit from the close proximity of other ornamental species.On the other hand, large-flowered, flowerbed and miniature varieties are usually strong individuals with considerable requirements, therefore choosing their neighbors is difficult.
For Rose, we always choose partners, not competitors. The best are perennials with a tough shape that do not grow excessively, as well as summer flowers, such aspeach-leaved bell, foxglove, black cumin or flax seed.The two plants listed at the end have a delicate openwork habit that does not obstruct the air flow, thus reducing the risk of developing fungal diseases.
The basic rule is to select plant partners with requirements similar to the needs of roses to the group. And it is primarily a sunny position with fertile, well-drained and slightly moist soil.The exception is lavender, which has proven to be a perfect partner for roses in many arrangements, although by nature it has job requirements completely different than roses.
A classic combination is a duo of roses and clematis. It is worth noting that clematis is best planted when the rose has been growing in the site for at least two years and has established itself well here.To avoid long-term debilitating competitive struggle and to facilitate care, roses and clematis should not be planted too close together. For example, for each species, we allocate one column of the arch to the vines or plant them next to two openwork supports standing next to each other.
When choosing plants, the form of flowers is very important. The openwork inflorescences of the alchemilla or the grouse and the "candles" of the delphinium or the mossy sage contrast beautifully with the round rose flowers.The choice of colors is rather a matter of our preferences.Romantic images mainly consist of pink roses combined with blue or white perennials or, more contrastingly, yellow roses with purple flowers of the neighbors.
1.Bushes of the tawuła'Little Princess' and the dark-leaved sage 'Purpurascens' are ideal companions for roses.
2. White and blue flowersbroad-leaved bell'Lovely Pink' are a perfect match for the pale rose 'Vogelpark Walsrode'.
3. VioletlnicaLinaria purpurea contrasts strongly with the bright yellow flowers of the English rose 'The Pilgrim'.
4. The semi-shaded place is decorated with a rose 'Betty Prior' in a green company of ferns.
5. Right behind the back of the garden chairItalian Clematis'Romantica' is intertwined with the 'Kir Royal' rose.
6. Yellow flowers of rose 'Graham Thomas' andwinged tunbergii enchant with different shades.
7. At the feet of therose'Stanewell Perpetual' white and blue bloomgeraniums .
8.Foxgloveis best suited for roses with incomplete flowers.
9. Slender ears of grasspearlsemphasize the natural charm of the climbing rose 'Ghislaine de Feligonde'.
10. Flowerspysznogłówki'Gewitterwolke' and the bush rose 'Mozart' complement each other with tones of red.