Cornflowers - wildness and beauty at discounts

Plant lovers usually think that there should be no problems with recognizing cornflower.After all, almost everyone knows the blue flowers of cornflower, which is a weed in grain fields or an ornament of flower meadows, roadsides and grassy slopes.The more difficult thing is to name and describe the other, very numerous species that make up the botanical genus Centaurea.

They are mostly perennials. They are characterized by vitality and strong growth, resistance to unfavorable living conditions and easy adaptation to the environment. An excellent example of such a plant is the mountain cornflower Centaurea montana.Its large-flowered variety 'Grandiflora' develops characteristic blue basket inflorescences from May to June, without any doubt indicating a close relationship with the annual cornflower.

Cutting faded shoots in good time prevents seeds from ripening and disperses and encourages the perennial to flower again.New varieties often have a more delicate habit, less spreading and are distinguished by a richer palette of flower colors.

Cornflowers do not have high soil requirements.Too dense, oily soil may cause shoots of tall species.This problem does not exist with short ones, such as Centaurea bella or simple Centaurea simplicicaulis. They reach a height of 20-30 cm, but they like a sunny place with well-drained soil, preferably on a rockery.

The large-headed cornflower Centaurea macrocephala is the complete opposite, delighting with its large yellow baskets crowning shoots up to 1.5 m high and creating an excellent background for lower perennials in a natural bed.Centaurea dealbata whitish cornflower, which forms numerous stolons, requires some attention.

The best partners for perennial cornflowers are plants that tolerate strong competition and match their natural appearance.In a sunny place, it can be a concentrated bell, catnip and willowleaf leaflet.In the penumbra, bergenia, various species of geraniums or large-flowered purgatory are good neighbors.

Beautiful varieties of cornflowers for garden discounts

1. 'Jordy' is a variety of the mountain cornflower Centaurea montana with showy dark red flowers. Poorly reproduces from seeds.

2. 'Purple Rose' (another variety of mountain cornflower) rises purple baskets above the silver-gray leaves.

3. The Centaurea bella 'Snowline' cornflower grows even on a rockery. Perennial, 20 cm high, likes dry and well-drained soil.

4. 'John Coutts' - proven cornflower variety Centaurea hypoleuca shines with pink shades on a sunny bed.

5. 'Black Sprite' and 6. 'Merel' - new varieties of mountain cornflower bloom in May and June.

7. 'Steenbergii' - an expansive form of whitish Centaurea dealbata with bright flowers.

8. 'Major' is a variety of the beautiful cornflower Centaurea pulchra. Its thistle flowers attract a lot of insects.

9. 'Sulphurea' - mountain cornflower on the shoots 40 cm long opens the flowers in a light yellow shade.

10. The cornflower Centaurea cyanus is a favorite among bees and gardeners.

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