A real lover of garden artnever rests on its laurels. He is constantly looking for new plants ornewly discoveringforgotten ones. And here is a lot to choose from, because there are many attractive perennials that deserve to be planted in a row withbeautiful plantsWe present the most interesting of them.
Big blue
A very attractive bedding plant related to lupine, but much less known, isbaptisiacyanBaptisia australis.This species grows up to 100 cm tall and keeps flowering from June to August. For cultivation, you should choose fertile,moderately moist substrateand overy good sunlightPerennials are undemanding and long-lived.
Visitor from the south
Black helleboreVeratrum nigrum is a species originating from the mountainous regions of southern Europe. The optimal position for the cultivation of this plant is clay soil withlarge thicknessThe inflorescences are panicle-shaped and form from June to August on a more than one meter thick stem. Attention, the hellebore ispoisonous plant
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Ciemiężyca Czarna Veratrum nigrum before blooming (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
Shadow Queen
Smilacina racemosapicnic grapereminiscent of the formgrowth bunion fragrantNot only that, her white flower heads that appear in May,resemble inflorescences tawułki. Smilacina grows up to 70 cm high and feels best in moderately dry clay soil, in partial shade positions. The plant grows fastgrowsandcreates glamorous frames
Purple and blue
Cupid blueCatananche caerulea grows best inmoderate dry ground , in bright, sunny positions. Flowers develop fromJunetoSeptemberPerennials reach a height of 60 cm. such plants asyarrow It is a fast-growing but short-lived perennial. Her flowers can be dried.
High, higher and higher
Yellow goldfish Asphodeline lutea comes fromsunny Italy Perennial preferssubstrate limestonein which - if it is sufficiently permeable - it can also overwinter. The height of plants along with inflorescence shoots can reach 130 cm. The first buds develop in late May, the flowers are in colorlight yellowandappear sweet , delicate fragrance
Peony duo
Wild forms of peonies also deserve special mention.Young PeonyPaeonia mlokosewitschii is rare in these plantsyellowcolorflowers This species grows to a height of approx. 60 cm and thrives best in slightly moist soil.PeonydelicatePaeonia tenuifolia grows successfully onsunny ,moderate dry positionsin the rock garden.Characterized byfeatheredleavesBoth species bloom inMay
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Piwonia finansna Paeonia tenuifolia (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
Late summer star
Thyroid grayScutellaria incana grows up to 80 cm. The flowers of thisattractive bedding perennialsformlate summerPo in flowering, they are created in their placegray-gray seed boxes , which are a nice decoration of the winter garden. For cultivation, we should choose moderately humid positions in full sun. Related species:thyroid commonandjavelin
A real rarity
Jeffersonia dubiastands outmoderate pace height , eventually reaching a height of 30-50 cm.At the same time, it is considered a demanding plant. Plants should be grown insheltered positionwithinplanting woodyin moderately moist, nutritious humus substrate. Perennials bloom in March and April. Be careful not todamage roots
White flower balls
GilleniaGillenia trifoliata grows to a height of 1 m and adopts a compact, bushy habit. The characteristic features of this species are the red-brown coloryoung shootsandfiligree white flowers collected inloose inflorescencesThese appear between June and July. Gillenia also looks impressive in autumn, when the leaves turn redorange red