Strongly growing perennials, such as Monarda didyma, need a strong companion, such as Echinacea purpurea, Solidago or autumn asters. The latter bloom later than the headstock, so the planned flowerbed will be decorated with flowers for a longer time. In the future, we will makecare workeasier if we dig the so-called limiters. This will prevent the proliferation of individual species and the overall chaos in the appearance of the beds.The supports under the overlying shoots of tall perennials, in addition to playing an aesthetic role, also protect plants against breaking out.
More delicate perennials, such as Campanula, Dianthus carnation or Helianthemum, can only develop without hindrance if their neighbors are not very expansive and do not produce strong shoots. The best partners for these perennials are, among others spotted and paniculate flame, delphinium, linen.
In full sun
Most flowering ornamental perennials find optimal development conditions in awell-suned bed , with permeable, humus-rich soil, always slightly moist. Such plants include pairs of the following perennials:
In the shade
The graceful, white and blue bedding composition will be created by the inflorescences of the candelabrum Cimicifuga simplex 'Armleuchter' and the autumn aconite Carmichael Aconitum carmichaelii. Both perennials thrive best in semi-shaded, overexposed places under trees and shrubs. Under optimal conditions, their beautifully flowered shoots reach a height of 120 cm in autumn.
Another matched pair that grows in the shade without problems is the Dicentra spectabilis hearts and the Caucasian brunera Brunnera macrophylla with flowers similar to the forget-me-not.Hearts and bruneraare spring-flowering perennials.
On moist soil
On such a surface, you feel best, among others pink-red meadowsweet Filipendula rubra, which can be planted on the banks of thestream ,pondorpondYour sumptuous small panicles It also develops fragrant flowers in a bed away from the water, on clay soil, but then it requires solid watering. Tawułka Astilbe in a sunny place needs the same water conditions - in the shade it can cope with less moisture. Both perennials bloom in July and August, and meadowsweet flowers remain on the shoots until September.
On dry soil
Yellow chamomile Anthemis tinctoria and yarrow Achillea millefolium 'Scheetaler' with small white flowers gathered in flat umbels, are the perfect pair for dry and sunny positions. These hardy and undemanding plants keep their flowers on stiff stems even in drought conditions. Another type of yarrow is slightly more sensitive to lack of water - Achillea filipendulina 'Coronation Gold', which has beautiful golden yellow umbels.This perennial grows well in the sun but needs regular watering.