Geranium geranium - silhouette, form, care

More about the plant below:


category : perennials

position : sun, partial shade, shade

height : 10 - 70 cm

frost resistance : to -25 ° C

reaction soil : slightly acidic, neutral, slightly alkaline

preferences soil : tolerates all but heavy, impermeable

watering : medium

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : blue, white, purple, pink,

shape : tufted

period flowering : May-September

seeding : spring


persistence leaves : seasonal

application : flower beds, rockeries, turf plant, balconies, terraces

pace of growth : fast

Geranium - silhouetteThe form of growth of the geraniumGeranium - positionGeranium care

Geranium - silhouette

Geranium is a very popular ground cover plant for shaded and semi-shaded places.It is most impressive in group plantings in combination with other perennials for shade, e.g. foxgloves, bells and funki.

Geranium growth form

The forest geranium reaches a height of 40 to 60 cm. Its purple-red flowers with white eyes open from June to July.The Armenian violet-blue geranium (60 to 90 cm tall) also blooms at the same time.Geranium nodosum blooms from May to August. This species grows up to 30 to 50 cm tall, produces pink to purple flowers and spreads quickly from seeds.

Endress's geranium produces light purple flowers with nice dark veins, blooms from May to August and grows up to 40 cm in height. The funeral geranium reaches a height of 60 to 80 cm, it is distinguished by attractive foliage with purple dots.From May to July, it produces delicate white, purple, pink or bluish-purple flowers.

Among the most popular species, we should also distinguish the root geranium, known for its beautiful, orange-red autumn color.This species reaches a height of 30 cm, blooms white to purple from May to June.

Geranium - position

The listed species are suitable mainly for cultivation in shady places. The forest and Aramonian geranium prefer moist, humus and fertile substrates.Enderss' geranium, mourning and root can also grow in slightly drier soils.The last one also adapts to a nutrient-poor soil.

Geranium care

Tall species should be pruned after flowering, thanks to which they maintain a nice habit and he althy development, and often renew flowering.All geraniums can be easily propagated in spring by division.

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