Plantain lanceolate: cultivation, care, properties. What can be prepared from plantain?

Plantain lanceolate is a plant whose he alth-promoting properties have been known for many, many years. While it can help in many situations, it is recognized as a popular weed, which is why it is widely available.

This plant can be found in our climate in many places: in meadows, forests, parks, in a home garden, and even on a lawn among apartment blocks. Despite its status as a weed, it is also considered a medicinal plant that has been used in natural medicine and herbalism for many centuries.For this reason, in various cases, it is worth including it in your home medicine cabinet or starting your own plantain growing in the garden.

Plantain lanceolate: cultivation and requirements

What does a lanceolate plantain look like? Plantain lanceolate is a perennial that can grow up to 40 centimeters during flowering. There is a short rhizome underground with many root bundles. The leaves of the plant, visible above the surface of the substrate, turn out to be oblong and lanceolate. Each of them has visible veins, i.e. longitudinal innervation.The length of the leaves ranges from 5 to 20 centimeters.They form a rosette, from the center of which a stem grows (there may be several stems, but none of them have leaves). The stem reaches 50 centimeters in height.

Lanceolate plantain can be grown independently by sowing seeds directly into the ground. It should be sown in early spring, i.e. in March or April, using a spacing of 30x40 centimeters.The seeds should be placed at a depth of about a centimeter. The effects are visible after 2-3 weeks, when the seedlings appear on the surface.

Plantain lanceolate is a light-loving plant belonging to the plantain family.It does well in a varied substrate, but prefers airy, quite moist and rich, for example sandy loam.A perfect position for a plantain plantain is a semi-shaded or sunny place.

Plantain lanceolate: care and flowering period

When does lanceolate plantain pollen? This period extends from May to September.Inflorescences in plantain appear on top of a leafless stem or stems.They are small (the flowers are up to 3 centimeters long) and have no ornamental value. Plantain is classified as an insect and wind-pollinated plant.

In the case of this plant, it is also necessary to loosen the inter-rows and systematic irrigation, although the substrate must not be allowed to become too wet. be diffused light).When planted in the garden, it requires weeding, but chemical herbicides should be avoided so as not to harm it. At the same time, it is not very demanding to cultivate, as it grows almost everywhere in nature.

Plantain lanceolate: properties

The properties of plantain owes mainly to its leaves, because they accumulate vitamins and microelements (only the aboveground part is used for healing purposes). First of all, it contains a lot of vitamins C and K, carotene, and minerals: iron, zinc, copper, manganese, silicon and magnesium.Apart from that, plantain leaves accumulate s alt minerals and flavonoids.

The operation of the plantain plant is therefore very versatile. It can be used properly regardless of age. However, there are some people who can be harmed by the plantain. Contraindications to its use are an allergy to this plant, which, however, does not happen very often. However, it is not recommended to give it to children under 12 years of age.If you develop shortness of breath or fever after eating plantain, consult your doctor.

The plantain owes its properties also to:

- mucus compounds contained in leaves;

- tannins;

- avonoid.

Plantain lanceolate: application

The use of plantain is usually associated with the medicinal industry. For example, this plant helps with coughing, whether it is dry or wet. Thanks to the ingredients it contains, it is able to cleanse the lungs of phlegm, and at the same time alleviate the course of the inflammation of the throat. It can also help with smoker's cough. It also works well against hoarseness, which is why it will be useful for people with an occupational disease - professional speakers, lecturers, lecturers and teachers.

Plantain plantain for wounds is also a good idea.In addition, plantain leaves can be used to soothe insect bites - they can soothe pain and reduce visible swelling.Plantain compresses also help with boils, ulcers and all kinds of minor cuts.

Plantain leaves are very often considered an excellent antibiotic. Plantain infusion supports not only the treatment of inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctiva, but also works perfectly in the case of skin problems (it removes acne, helps to a large extent in anti-acne treatment). Burnt plantain leaves can be put on tired eyes - it can be useful especially for those who spend long hours in front of a computer screen.

Tea from plantain leaves, specifically its leaves, is excellent for digestion.The compounds contained in it are able to stimulate the secretion of gastric juices, while protecting the mucosa.That is why it is often used when it comes to gastroenteritis. This type of tea is also perfect for light poisoning and all stomach ailments. You can also drink it prophylactically, instead of regular, everyday tea.

Another specific helpful in many cases is plantain tincture. It perfectly soothes all digestive problems and, like any tincture, perfectly warms you up.Fresh plantain leaf juice applied externally is also good for healing wounds.You can also use this plant to help heal the flu and get rid of a persistent, dry cough that is impossible to get rid of. This is because it relaxes the smooth muscles of the upper respiratory tract.

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