More about the plant below:
Aster (Aster)
category : perennials
position : sun
height : 0.3 - 1.8 m
frost resistance : up to -20 ° C
reaction soil : slightly alkaline
preferences soil : fertile, well-drained, sandy, sandy loam, rich in calcium
watering : medium
color leaves/needles : green
color of flowers : blue, pink, purple, white, red
shape : upright, bushy
period flowering : May-October
seeding : spring
reproduction:division, herbaceous cuttings, sowing
persistence leaves : seasonal
application : balconies, cut flowers, terraces, flower beds, rockeries, honey plants
pace of growth : fast
Aster - silhouetteThe form of growth of astersThe most interesting varieties of astersAster - positionAsters careThe genus of aster includes about 600 species, which, according to their flowering time, have been divided into 3 groups: spring, summer and autumn asters.
One of the most important spring species is the Alpine Aster Alpinus Aster. This species develops 15-30 cm hemispherical flower cushions in May and June and works best in a rock garden. The dense undergrowth is also formed by the bushy aster dumosus, which blooms from August to October. Its shoots reach a height of up to 50 cm.
The most important autumn species are the American aster aster novae-angliaei and the virginian aster aster novi-belgii. Both of them grow to a height of 160 cm and must be staked.Both also bloom from September to November and lose their leaves from the base.
Summer asters show big differences in size; while the narrow-leaved aster aster sedifolius is only 30 cm high, the aster of the chatter A. Amellus is already 60 cm long, and the aster frikarta aster x frikartii - 80 cm. The leaves of asters are oval in shape, the radial arrangement of flower buds is characteristic for all species; the main differences are in their size and density. Full-flowered varieties are available.Asters have white, pink, purple, blue and red colored flowers.
All forms of asters prefer sunny locations, bushy asters also tolerate partial shade locations.Autumn species like moderately moist, permeable and fertile substrates, spring and summer species also tolerate dry soils.
After flowering, trim the asters. Only fall forms must be powered; in the rest, it would cause a crisis and cause weakness and, consequently, increased susceptibility to pest attacks. Every 2-3 years we rejuvenate the clumps.