Agave - undemanding succulent

Agave Agave came to us from America, where they grow from Mexico to the northern regions of South America.More than 100 species are known, many of them of great economic importanceSome are fodder for cattle. Agave sisalana agave produces an extremely durable fiber - sisal, which is used for the production of marine ropes, fishing nets and sacks. Other species are made into alcoholic beverages such as mezcal and tequila.

The most famous in Poland is the American Agave Agave americana.Like other representatives of this genus, it is a succulent, which means that it has parenchyma in which it stores water during periods of drought. It grows slowly, but with good care it can grow to large sizes. A single leaf measures from 1 to even 2 meters. The leaves are covered with a grayish bloom, which gives them a steel-green color. They form a rosette, are hard, raised, ending with a sharp spike, also the edges of the leaves are bristling with large spikes.

Agave - growing requirements

American agave has modest cultivation requirements and it is not difficult to keep a large specimen.Repotting can be troublesome, so we perform this procedure only when necessary, due to the risk of the pot being torn apart by the roots.We even plant older ones in wooden crates.

The agave substrate should be light and well-drained, but sufficiently fertile. A mixture of 2 parts compost soil and sand with 1 part decomposed manure will be perfect. We can also use substrate for cacti.Remember about drainage and put broken ceramic pots or pebbles at the bottom of the container. This will prevent the roots from rotting. This plant should be fertilized only during the growing season, not more often than once a month with a multi-component fertilizer.

Agave as a typical succulent is a child of the sun. In spring and summer, we provide a sunny position for it. In the fall, the plant must be moved indoors. It can be a garage, attic or basement, as long as it is lit. In winter, we hardly water the agave. The temperature should not exceed 10 ° C, it must remain positive.Chilled leaves quickly become soft and glassy, ​​they can rot.In April, the plant is taken out into the air, and in the event of night frosts, we cover it with agrotextile. We also cover the plant during the day for the first week after exposure, because after winter the tissues are delicate and sensitive to sharper rays of the sun.

Agave - the most interesting varieties

One of the most beautiful species is the Queen Victoria Agave Agave victoriae-reginae. Its rosette grows up to 0.5 m in diameter. The leaves, white-edged and ended with a single black spike, form a shaped rosette that resembles a large pine cone.This species has no suckers and reproduces only from seeds.

Also noteworthy are Agave Filiera and Agave Schidigera. The rosettes do not exceed 50 cm, and the edges of the leaves are decorated with numerous long fibers, which gives a very interesting visual effect. It is also worth mentioning the beautiful Agave stricta.Creates numerous, densely arranged, very narrow leaves, which makes the rosette look extremely effective.It grows slowly and does not reach a lot of size.

American agave requires a lot of space. If we have a small terrace or balcony, let's opt for a smaller species, for example Agave potatorum, which is a miniature of the American agave. Its leaves with equally sharp spines are more spatulate in shape, but the plant does not exceed a meter in diameter. It gives offshoots, blooms after about 10 years of cultivation.

Be careful with watering!

Agaves definitely do not get sick. Sometimes mealybugs, which hide in the hard-to-reach leaf axils, can cause a problem. You should also be careful with watering in winter, because then the roots may rot.Water the plants only so that the leaves do not wrinkle excessively.There is a rule that it is better to water too little and dry it than to overdo it.

Agave flowers only once

Agaves are monocarpic plants, which means they only bloom once. After the seeds are released, the plant dies, leaving a few root suckers. American agave usually blooms after 20-30 years, smaller species usually after about 10 years.The fact is that you have to wait patiently for flowering, and when it does, the plant produces an unusually large inflorescence.The American agave grows up to 12 meters.The plant uses all its life energy to produce it.

The flowers, tubular with six petals, are several hundred to several thousand. They are usually green-yellow, sweet-smelling, and produce a lot of nectar. This spectacle lasts up to 6 weeks, after which countless seeds are formed and the mother plant dies.Fortunately, it leaves a few roots.

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