More about the plant below:
Five-leaf akebia (Akebia quinata)
category : climbers
position : sun, partial shade
height : up to 10 m
frost resistance : up to -20 ° C
reaction soil : slightly acidic
preferences soil : fertile, permeable, humus, sandy loam
watering : medium
color leaves/needles : green, green-white
color of flowers : purple, white, pink
form : climbing
period flowering : April-May
seeding : autumn
reproduction:layering, sowing, semi-woody cuttings
persistence leaves : partially evergreen
application : gardens, pergolas, trellises, arbors, ground cover
pace of growth : fast
Five-leaf akebia - silhouetteDevelopmental features of akebiaA position for akebiaFive-leaf akebia - careFive-leaf akebia - applicationAdviceIn China, Japan and Korea, that is in their native parts, akebia is used for medicinal purposes.In our country it is grown as a perennial, undemanding, fast-growing climber.
The filigree, finger-like leaves of Akebia turn light green in spring. They gradually darken over the course of summer. The underside of the leaves takes on a bluish-green tinge.In warmer regions of the country, the foliage can remain on the shoots also in winter, but usually falls in late autumn.
Stems grow up to 6-10 meters in length (1-3 meters per year) and tightly entwine the supports. From April to May, clusters of dark purple flowers appear on the shoots, rather inconspicuous, but distinguished by a pleasant, vanilla scent.
After a long, warm summer, the climber produces (in September) edible, blue-green fruits, which are 5-10 centimeters long and resemble cucumbers (sausages).
A warm, sheltered place in the sun is ideal for growing akebia. The climber also grows well in partial shade positions.The substrate should be permeable and fertile.
Plants are planted from October to February.Growth accelerates regular watering and mulching.The first shoots should be led along the support. Every 2-3 years, individual shoots can be strongly pruned (in spring), then the akebia will also break out in the lower parts.
Akebia can be planted next to fences, supports, gazebos and pergolas. It can be run through trees.A good ground cover.
Akebia grows very he althily and is easy to grow. Therefore, it is an excellent climber for beginners.