Agapanthus Agapanthus - silhouette, planting, care, tips

More about the plant below:

Agapanthus (Agapanthus)

category : perennials

position : sunny

height : 60-120 cm

wintering : room, 2-8 ° C

frost resistance : to 0 ° C

reaction soil : indifferent

preferences soil : fertile, well-drained, sandy loam

watering : a lot

color leaves : green

color of flowers : blue, white, purple

shape : upright

period flowering : July-October

planting : spring or autumn. He doesn't like overdoing it!

reproduction:by dividing carp

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : balconies, cut flowers, terraces, discounts

pace of growth : fast

Agapanthus - silhouetteAgapanthus - positionAgapanthus - irrigationAgapanthus - fertilizationAgapanthus - cuttingAgapanthus - winteringAdvice

Agapanthus - silhouette

Agapat can be admired from July to August. Then, on long shoots, above the leaves, there are blue-violet or white flowers gathered in corymbs. Evergreen leaves fall arched to the sides. Agapanthus is easy to care for.Can grow to a height of 80 to 100 cm.

Agapanthus - position

Agapanthus likes sunny and sheltered places, but it also blooms in partial shade. So that the fleshy roots do not rot, a ten-centimeter layer of expanded clay or gravel should be placed at the bottom of the pot.Fill the rest of the container with soil for potted plants.

Agapanthus - irrigation

Abundant irrigation is especially recommended during the flowering period. We must pay special attention to ensuring that no water remains in the base after watering. One inflorescence can contain up to several dozen flowers.

Agapanthus - fertilization

Agapanthus needs many nutrients. From April to August, they should be fed once a month with concentrated, liquid fertilizer for potted plants.

Agapanthus - cut

Cutting is carried out only in the basic scope, it is enough to cut out faded flower shoots on a regular basis.

Agapanthus - wintering

Before the first frosts, place agapanthus in the quarters with a temperature of 5 to 8 ° C. Plants develop fewer buds at higher temperatures.When it is too dark, the leaves turn yellow.Expose the plants to the open air in April / May.


The agapanthus pot must not be too large, otherwise the plant will lose its flowering power (the pot should only be slightly larger than the root ball). Agapat Agapanthus should overwinter in low temperatures.

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